
2023 Summer Camp Sessions

Camper Sessions (2023)

July 3 – July 8: Session 1 (Olympics)

July 10 – July 15: Session 2 (Adventure Camp, Ages 6-12)

July 10 – July 15: Session 2 (Music Conservatory, Ages 10-14)

July 17 – July 22: Session 3 (Music, Arts, Jr. Soldiers)

July 26 – July 31: Session 4 (Service Units)

August 3 – August 8: Session 5 (Superhero)

August 10 – August 15: Session 6 (STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math)

*Please Note: Availability of camper slots are limited, and based on a number of variables, including your Salvation Army Corps’ location and participation level with Camp.

**Please Note: Camper is not required to be part of a Salvation Army Corps to attend Long Point Camp. However, a certain number of slots may already be reserved by area Salvation Army Corps.

Camper Packing List


• Any necessary Medication in original container or Inhalers listed by physician enough quantities of each for their stay)
• Play Clothes (outfits including shorts and long pants, undergarments, enough for entire camp session)
• Cold Weather/Rainy Day Clothes
• Sunscreen & Bug Spray
• Toothbrush & Toothpaste
• Hairbrush/Comb
• Soap, Shampoo & Deodorant
• Sneakers, Shoes (must have closedtoe shoes)
• Flip-flops or Sandals for Pool
• Towel & Washcloth
• Pillow
• Socks
• Swimsuit


• Cell Phone
• Digital Camera/Video Recorders
• Personal Electronic Devices (iPods, tablets, games, laptops, etc.)
• Alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs/Pocket Knives/Weaponry
• Jewelry
• Pets

Supervision & Accomodations

Children will be supervised by counselors and program staff at all times. These staff members are carefully screened and required to complete an orientation and training program prior to the start of the camping season.

Disruptive behavior is defined as any recurring action or attitude that interferes with the normal and safe operation of camp and/or requires the individual attention of staff in order to address the problem. Disruptive behavior negatively affects the camping experience and may result in early dismissal from camp at the Camp Director’s discretion.

Our large cabins accommodate: twelve campers, two counselors and one support staff member in each unit. Cabins are equipped with sleeping quarters, toilets, showers and recreation rooms for rainy day activities.

The Salvation Army Long Point Camp is not responsible for the loss of personal property and will not pay to replace missing items. Please do not send valuables to camp. We reserve the right to search personal belongings and confiscate prohibited
objects that are determined inappropriate or potentially harmful to others. Items will be held in the camp office until the camper leaves.

Medical Information

Medications (over-the-counter nonprescription and prescription) must be brought in full quantity in their original container for the camper’s stay and will be kept in the Health Center.

When filling out the application, please indicate if your camper has any allergies AND/OR dietary restrictions or needs such as: food allergies, gluten free and vegetarian. We will do our best to accommodate.

Long Point Camp operates a health center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide appropriate and necessary care for children and staff. All care is approved by a physician and the New York State Health Department. When additional care is needed, the local doctor’s office and hospital are available.

Tips to Get Your Child Ready for Camp

Any trip away from home has the potential to be scary for a child; these “tips” may be helpful in getting your child ready for camp:

• Focus on the stories your child can tell you after camp. Talk to them about all the fun they will have and all the activities they’ll participate in. If you are excited for camp, they will be too!
• Let them know that there will be adults at camp who will watch over them and direct them through all of the many activities.
• Since parents are unable to visit camp during the week we encourage you to send mail to your child. Campers love to get mail (try to send these early in the week so that they arrive before the camper leaves camp). In your letters, encourage them to have fun! Email is also available for them to access in the main office.
• When your child comes home, they will have many fun adventures and experiences to share. Sit down and share these priceless moments with them.

Long Point Camp recognizes the fact that you are sending your greatest treasure to our camp! We want to make sure you’re comfortable sending them and knowing they are in good hands. Below are a few articles on how to make sure their week of camp is the best week they’ll ever have!

What to Pack For Long Point Camp

We reserve the right to search personal belongings and confiscate prohibited items and other objects that are determined inappropriate or […]

Preparing Your Child For Camp

Whether this is your child’s first visit to camp or they have been here many times, any trip away from […]

What Will My Camper Do at Camp?

Camp is an active place with plenty of physical activity for the benefit of a child’s health and well-being. Because […]

View Our Awesome Camp Video!